Monday, May 30, 2011

Meatfest and a Simple Manifesto

I sit here with a raging cold on a steamy-hot Memorial Day reflecting on all my family members and friends who've served in the armed forces and were willing to risk their lives for all of us as American's.  It's overwhelming to consider that level of commitment to people they don't even know or some people they may not like.  It makes me understand though, that doing something honorable and bigger than yourself is far beyond narcissistic tendencies and our self-importance.  Sometimes you do something because it's bigger than you and important.  That means sacrificing sometimes for others and that is a beautiful gift that no one can repay.

I say this because yesterday, at an annual tradition that I share with very good friends (MEATFEST), I was reminded about the meaning of true friendship.  While it's true that our core group of friends have all become increasingly, crazily busy over the past year - we still share a sense of connection that I don't think would disappear based on petty issues, mistakes or misunderstandings.  In fact, a lot of these friends that I spent yesterday with are people who've always been willing to try to understand and work things out.  We don't seem to get angry or offended because we don't see each other as often as we may like, and we seem to know that being busy is not because we don't value one another.  In fact, there are a few people I spent yesterday with that I would be willing to make sacrifices for and for that, I am grateful.

My close friends (ones that I deem close - even though I struggle with distancing myself at times), are people who are complex, beautiful and complicated at times.   None of us are perfect and yet we still care for one another.   We also are able to address one another head-on when needed and come to mutual understanding.   I am grateful for these people who have given me their friendship and their dedication and I hope they know that even though, sometimes, I don't know how to give back or give them what they need, that I am dedicated to doing so if they would only ask.  Most importantly, I thank them for standing by me and never abandoning me even in my darkest hours.

So on this day of remembering others...remember, that everyone you come into contact with in this life is fighting their own battle and working towards their own goals and dreams.  Everyone, even those who may initially "rub us the wrong way", are worthy of love and kindness.  Just because you think you know someone, often times doesn't mean that you do at all.  Sometimes we can't fully understand others, or those who are willing to do and give and sacrifice for others but those are the people who should command more respect.  However, they'll rarely ask for it.  Whether those people are friends or those who serve in roles dedicated to protecting and serving ALL, we should consider ourselves lucky that they do what they do - even for those of us who may not appear worthy.  So thank you.  Beyond words, thank you for everything.

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