Friday, May 13, 2011

Been A While...Movie I Hope to See

It's sadly been a while since the Jim and I went to see a film in the theatre.  I suppose there's been nothing compelling enough for us to spend money on seeing right now.  However, while watching HDNet with my father, they ran a series of trailers for coming films.
One stuck out to me as being something I must see.

For anyone who knows me well, I'm a hard core existentialist and this appears at first blush to fit that bill very snugly.  I've read there are a few twists and turns and I am going to do my very best to not spoil it for myself.

It's nice to feel motivated to want to go the theatre.  In fact, I've seen at least 4 trailers so far on this channel that have made be wanna really indulge in some good SUMMER film fare.

So thanks.  Looking forward to the summer cinema.  What are you looking forward to this summer?

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