Sunday, April 22, 2012

Building A Dream...Brick by Brick

The Jim and I are probably more in sync than we've ever been in the past and we're building a dream together. I must tell you, it's quite exciting!  For me personally, I have had a year of wonderful moments of openness and honesty this past year and hard moments of misunderstandings, anxiety and people who don't really know me well enough to know that I would and have never intentionally done anything in my life to hurt anyone.  However, I've mended fences with a few folks, closed the door on other chapters and all of these passages have lead me to a huge move forward in my life and in my dreams.

Jim and I have signed a lease on our very own space/place downtown in Knoxville to create an artist collective, and have the primary location for my dance studio/classes.  In fact, the dream became real faster and more suddenly than ever the minute the dark clouds rolled out of area, the sun came out and this amazing space became available for us to realize a few dreams of our own.  So, we worked hard, secured supporters and we did it...we put the money where our mouths are and we have our own place to work on together.  In addition, we realized all the people who have shown us openness and willingness to work towards a shared love, shared vision and shared dream were right there for us and behind us 100% to make this a reality.  We feel connected and hopeful and for that - we are grateful.

The most exciting thing, other than having complete creative control over your own destiny at this time is that the place that we've found has an INCREDIBLE history and will have a wall detailing that history within it's four walls.  Mind you we have a TON of stuff to do yet to get the place ready and more importantly, open for business, so we're not revealing a whole lot yet but we will give you a bit of the insider's view of owning your own collective and making it the place you've always imagined.  So stay tuned, and know this...dreams do come true.  Brick by brick we will create a small haven of hope, happiness and shared vision.  Lots to do...but totally worth it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wrecka-Stows Today!

How timely for me to re-enter into the blogosphere than on the annual retro-fabulous Record Store Day?  Well amongst our travels today included a stop at 2 of the fine actual brick and mortar establishments that still purvey the tactile experience of purchasing music.  While I have a small thorn of hipster fear that makes me nervous about being around vinyl these days, I am always within the walls of a record store on the day that celebrates a on-going, but struggling means of commerce in our world of digital downloads and iPods.

I traveled with the husby hoping to score the "Tebowie" release from LNJF but ended up with a 45 of one of my FAVORITE, McCartney tunes "Another Day".  So unexpected score!  Jim didn't leave with anything other than a t-shirt celebrating our local-record store.  I must admit I was excited to purchase my first 45 in over 10 years though...which made me think...

What was your first record purchase?  Not the first record you remember, the first one you actually bought with your own money?  I remember both my first 45 and 33 purchases: "Goody Two Shoes" by Adam Ant and "Built for Speed" by the Stray Cats (the later album I got in trouble with because of the word "Hell" in one of the songs, little did my Mom know but I had a borrowed copy of Prince's 1999 in my room with FAR worse lyrics).  There was a true joy in getting a 33 album and being able to read the back, hang the album art on your wall and the initially pristine condition of the inner album condom.  I'm just glad to know that the interest is still around in general and the crowds were out in full-force which brought a smile to my heart and soul.

If you're looking in the greater Knoxville area for some all senses experience of music here are my recommendations:
1) The Disc Exchange (our friend Paula works there and it's a one stop-shop experience).
2) Lost and Found Records (it's our neighborhood record store and carries more vinyl than anything).
3) Raven Records (haven't been but have heard good things).
4) McKays (hit or miss based on what CDs and vinyl people have sold to pay their electric bill this month - plus I'm kind of staying far, far away from McKay's since I lost my first iPad there - boo).

Return of The Retro-Moderns

Where the hell have we been?  Busy...but rather than just add another blog to my already jammed schedule, we're bringin' the RETRO-MODERNS back to life. we go.