Monday, May 16, 2011

Pop Culture and Fudge Covered Potato Chips

I admit, I'm a consumer of popular culture.  Perhaps that's why artist divine, Rob St. Clair's work fills me with lots of comfort and happiness (I'm a proud owner of one of his pieces - an insanely brilliant Ziggy Stardust).  I love however the slightly-off popular culture.  Does that make sense?  I mean I love things that are mutually loved, but tend to be loved by the same "strata" of people.  I'm a geeky, gadgety, silly woman so I tend to like things that hit those sweet spots.  I suppose that's why the only Late Night show host I watch is Jimmy Fallon.  I know a lot of people LOVE him and a lot of people HATE him, but he's kinda like the kinda person I'd just like to hang out with.  In a lot of ways, his show is the best of all the silly ideas that I would have if I put on my own late night talk show.  So, when he announced almost 6 weeks or more ago that Ben & Jerry had partnered with him to bring out a "LNJF" signature flavor, I was already hooked.  I've been on a mission for weeks trying to locate the mixture of  Fair Trade Certified vanilla ice cream, fudge covered potato chip clusters & a salty caramel swirl. OMG.  Me want.

Finding this in Knoxville was like looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  In fact, I thought perhaps it was a myth.  Until today!  My friend Tere, who loves me enough to remember my maddening search for the succulent sweetness, sent me a text to let me know she had a "Late Night Snack" sighting!  I quickly called my husband as it was at a Kroger near his workplace.  He arrived at home with a pint of the desired deliciousness just ready for me to dig in.

So, I got home after working out (and thankfully pre-burning 743 calories), I sat down to watch a movie with my succulent score.  I had taped an older Albert Brooks film called, REAL LIFE after hearing about it on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  It's a movie that, filmed in 1979, was seriously ahead of its time.  It's the story of the making of a "reality tv-show/movie", and while elements of it are's dead on.  It's brilliant much like another of my favorite Brooks movies, Defending Your Life.   It makes you realize how far down the hole into exposure we've pushed people (as I snicker writing this and exposing elements of my life to you).  However, if you want a good look back at a current trend, this is a great find.
Seriously - rent it on Netflix or find it's the trailer:

I dug into my pop-culture food selection and watched a film that pre-skewered our current pop-culture fascination with people's so-called "real" lives.  I will say, I really really like the ice cream - especially when some of the kettle chips retain their crunchiness.  Delish!  I'm a sucker and I'm okay with it (mostly).

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