Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Deciding to DITCH the Contract

So...I have decided that I'm paying VZW entirely too much money each month for minimal service so I made the decision after careful consideration to switch to Virgin Mobile and go back to the ANDROID lifestyle.  I've been without a smartphone for over a month and realized that I'm way to "mobile" for my own good and need to stay plugged in.  God, remember the time when we didn't have to be hyper-connected?  Sigh.

Tonight, I took the contract-less route and found out that ending my contract early with Verizon would cost me a whopping $300.00 (seriously). While I love their service/connection I am through paying over $200.00 for the phone services.

After a few starting glitches and sadly less options (I'm a ringback tone dork-girl); I'm now reconnected ANDROID style.  While I'd love to have one of the new white iPhones; I can't beat $25.00 for 300 minutes and  unlimited texting and data.  Yeah.  It was time.

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